Just back from a week in New York. One photograph will have to do as it sums up that feeling of having lived in a Woody Allen movie for 7 days.
Highlights for me included
The American Folk Art Museum....seeing Carmen at the Metropolitan Opera for free in the Lincoln Plaza.....catching the Staten Island Ferry....Brazil Day and fantastic street food...sunbathing on Sheep meadow in Central Park....promenading in Brooklyn Heights....eating in Williamsburg by candlelight.....lovely deli picnics from Dean and Deluca and Chelsea market..... shopping in Anthropologie ( twice)....walking the Highline Garden...hearing about the Triangle Shirt Factory fire at the Tenement Museum....Greek/Romano scuplture at the Metropolitan Museum....Nolita...walking over Brooklyn Bridge early one morning...having coffee round the corner from the Chelsea Hotel...seeing the caged songbirds hanging up in the trees in China Town...cooling off in the sculpture garden at Moma....overlooking the Hudson in Fort Tyron Park up in the Bronx...the suitcase installation at Ellis Island.