I have been making rag dolls. At the moment they haven't got noses but they are coming along. The next stage is to name them. I am reluctant to let them go because they have taken me so long to make and are made of many of my most precious pieces of "rags".

Mandy Pattullo
This is my favourite. Most people who come into my studio prefer long hair on the dolls but I think this little top knot gives her a bit more attitude.
Mandy Pattullo
This one has a bodice made of fabric designed by my friend Jayne Bone. Her hair was borrowed from a Wensleydale sheep.
Mandy Pattullo
This yellow skirt is from a quilt top which I unpicked. It is very fragile and threadbare.
Mandy Pattullo
Blue and white antique patchwork skirt.
Mandy Pattullo
I'm not sure about the hair on this one and may change it. The skirt is made from a piece of unpicked quilt and the legs are genuine Harris Tweed - it was a nightmare to turn inside out.
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